Thursday, October 27, 2016

Immune system

Function: The function of the immune system is to help keep your body healthy and to make sure you don't get sick. 

Skin: Your skin is the first thing that the bacteria and the viruses have to get through and the skin protects your body from all of the germs that try to enter.
White blood cells: Your white blood cells work to get rid of any viruses that somehow gt into your immune system.
Nose: Your nose works to trap all of the bacteria that gets past your skin so that the bacteria doesn't get into your bloodstream.
Stomach: Your stomach helps because if the bacteria gets in your food and into your body your stomachs acids will help break down the bacteria
Phagocytes: They work to eat and get rid of he bacteria that gets in your blood stream and that is making you sick.
Tonsils and lymph nodes: They work together to help get rid of the bacteria to help fight off invading germs.

There are many more that do important jobs for the immune system as well. Some others are your spleen, appendix, bone marrow, etc.
Other systems:
The Systems that the Immune system works with is the circulatory system. Your circulatory system is the system that gets infected by bacteria because the blood is part of the system. The circulatory system transports all of the white blood cells to fight off the bacteria. The immune system helps keep the circulatory system safe while having the circulatory system transport your white blood cells to help. The circulatory is very important to the immune system. Your immune system also works with the digestive system because the digestive system breaks down some of the bacteria that gets in your body.
The immune system is like soldiers because:
  • Both of their jobs is to protect something 
  • When something bad happens they both have to fight the enemy off
  • They body is like the country that they are fighting for because they are both important 
The immune system and soldiers are similar because they both are very important to something big. Both of their main jobs is to protect something. When ever something bad happens they have to fight it off like how the soldiers have to fight when there is enemy's or a war and your immune system has to fight off sickness. They both have to protect something that is important like how the immune system protects your body and soldiers protect their country.

Structure and function:
The main function of the skin is to make help make sure no bacteria gets into your body. The skin is make just to do this.
1. The skin is make to be stretchy so that you can move because if it was hard or not stretchy you would not be able to move very well or your skin would tear.
2. Your skin is on the outside of your body because if it were on the inside it would not be able to protect your body it would let all of your insides be exposed to bacteria.
3. Your layer of skin is thin because it allows it to be stretchy. If the skin was too thick you could not move as much and your skin would be very hard. If your skin was any thinner than you would get hurt a lot more and it would be easier for bacteria to get in your system.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Blog 10/14/16

        There are multiple steps to mitosis. Mitosis is when your cells duplicate. They are interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis. Cells make up everything in you body and more. Cells make up tissue, tissue makes up organs, organs make up organ systems and organ systems make up organisms. The different systems in your body is the skeletal system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, muscular system, urinary system, nervous system, respiratory system and the immune system.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models
        I made a mitosis flip book. This flip book had drawing of each part of mitosis so that when you flip the book it looks like it is moving and the cell duplicates. I had to had draw all of the pictures, number them, cut them out and then staple the pages together. I had to draw the different parts of interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, etc. I think that this was very fun and a good way to remember the different parts of mitosis. 

XCC: Cause and Effect
          When a cell grows up it is then able to duplicate its DNA. When the DNA is then duplicated it is then able to get ready to duplicate. When a cell duplicates it allows the organism to grow. If a cell duplicates its self wrong it will cause cancer which can lead to death. Your connective tissue connects you bonces and allows your joints to move so that you can walk, talk, move you arms, move your fingers, etc. Your heart beating allows you to live and you get blood transferred all around your body. When you put food in your mouth it starts your digestive system.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Weekly blog 10/7/16

          Cells and eggs have a semipermeable membrane which has small holes that let liquids in and out. When something is isotonic it means it has the same amount of solute concentration so the water would go in and out of you cells. When something is hypertonic it means more solute concentration which means so the water would go out of your cell and your cell would shrivel up. When something hypononic less solute concentration, so the water would go into your cell and would get very large. When cells replicate they have to go through 3 main stages and one of them includes replicating their DNA. They also have to stretch and replicate when they are large enough cells.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models: Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?:
When cells multiply they have to duplicate their DNA and they have to grow so they don't just get smaller and smaller. When we were learning this the teacher asked who knew what cells have to do to multiply and no one raised her hand. The teacher got a paper and ripped it in half then in fourths ,etc. With this visual we all figured out that if cells rapidly multiply they would just get smaller and smaller and they would probably mess up when the multiply. Before cells multiply they have to grow big and they have to multiply their DNA.

XCC: Cause and Effect:
If something has more solutes or if it is hypertonic that means your cell would shrivel up because the water would come out of the cell. If something has less solutes or it is hypontonic, your cell will grow very large because the water would only go into the cell. If something has the same amount of solutes or it is isotonic, your cell would stay the same because the water would go in and out of the cell. When cells get large enough they replicate their DNA and then they duplicate or they replicate.