Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekly Blog 5/16 - 20/16

          150 trillion calories are wasted each year and the average kid needs 1,900 calories each day which is about 8 oz. of food. 2.3 billion tons of food are wasted each year and that is about the weight of 300 million elephants! About 21 thousand people die each day because of hunger or things related to hunger and about every 10 seconds a child dies from hunger. 60 percent of people buy too much food and waste some of it. People think that the expiration date means when food is no longer safe to eat but that is not correct the expiration date only tells when the food is at its freshest.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data: Did you create a graph, table, drawing, etc. of the data you obtained in an experiment?
This week me and my team worked on a tri-fold and Sophie drew imperfect foods and we surveyed people to see if they could eat it. We found that for the tomato drawing with a little bit of mold and small scratches 21 people would eat it and 6 would not. For the apple 17 people would eat it and 2 would not. For the banana 15 people said yes, 1 said maybe and 1 said no. After we got the data we made pi charts for each drawing.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Weekly blog 5/9 - 13/ 16

          Food is thrown away because it look ugly, has bruises or has scratches because they won't sell. The average person throws away about 20 pounds of food each month. There are about 50 million people struggling to get food in there house while others are just throwing away good food. Best by, use by, and sell by dates do not show when food is bad it is usually just the deadline for when food is the freshest. About 80% of the world eats insects and that helps reduce food waste. Without insects we would not be alive.

SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence: Did you participate in a class discussion providing evidence for your answers, and/or used the ACE strategy in your work?
          I participated in 2 class discussions this week providing evidence for my answer. They both were Stun Conferences about food waste. In the first stun conference we talked about how we should sell foods that do not look perfect for less money instead of putting them in the trash. People talked about different  ideas and some facts about it from different sources. In the second one it was hard to hear but we talked about efficient cooking where we talked about how we could cut down on waste like making a cooking calendar and having sections in your fridge for leftovers. Some of the ideas were from sources I read.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Project Blog Biome / deciduous forest

          The deciduous forest is a temperate forest/ temperate broad leaf forest. The deciduous forest has has warm humid summers and it has mild winters. The trees in the deciduous forest lose their leaves each year. People caused some of the animals in the deciduous forest to become endangered because of hunting. Some of the animals that have gone endangered are the red and grey wolf, the European mink and the giant panda.

Backward-looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started?:
          I had an idea of what a biome is when we started but I did not know what a deciduous forest is.  I did not know that red and grey wolfs are endangered. I did not know that the European mink and the giant panda re endangered too. I also did not know that people caused the animals that are endangered there to become endangered because of hunting. I did not know that 
the air in the deciduous forest is polluted.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?:
I feel good about this piece of work because I feel I did good and I thought it was fun. I liked getting to learn about ways to survive in the deciduous forest. I disliked that we used wix because there was only one editor at a time and everyone's work kept getting deleted but it was good because I copy pasted mine into a document. I enjoyed when I was done because I was able to help a friend that needed help.

Outward-looking: What grade would you give it? Why?:
I feel for this project my team and I deserve a 98% because we worked very hard on our project. I think sometimes we were off task or we were helping a different team when we were done. I feel like we did a good job on the website and the diorama. I worked hard on my research and so did the rest of my group. We all did a part of the project and I feel the project turned out very well. I feel like we should get a A but maybe not 100%.

Forward-looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?:
If I had to re-do this I would not use wix because only one editor was allowed at a time and it was annoying that everyone had to re-write their page. I would make sure that no one would lose any of their information by coping it into a google document. I would also make sure that everyone got to work on the diorama because I did not get to do much of it. I would also make sure that we always had something to do.