Friday, August 28, 2015

Scientific method 0824-0828

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The scientific method always starts with a question. There are many different orders which it could be. We got to make our own way that we think it should be done. My favorite step is experiment because I believe that it is the most fun of them all. If you do not get the correct data for your hypothesis you would write a new hypothesis off of your data and redo the whole process. We got to go to sites to find answers for the scientific method refresher sheet because all the questions had to do with those websites.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information

This week I completed "The New Scientific Method sheet." We though about the order of the new scientific method. We also on the new scientific method sheet had to answer questions about the image in the middle of the scientific method order that you made up. I found out that some of the steps we can me around. I also completed the scientific method refresher. We had to read from websites that the teacher provided for us and then after we read that website then we go back and we answered questions about that website.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Goals for 2015-2016

 1- Get A+ in every class and if I do not I fix it.

2- Be a student that teachers can trust and is always on task.

3- In band to be a person that Mrs. Farmer can ask to help less advanced players and to be in Jazz band.

4- I want to get partners that I can trust to help equally and not complain about mistakes.

5- I want to have fun and not get to upset about things.