Thursday, September 25, 2014

09/26 "Organelle Traill"

I have learned that the vacuole looks like a bubble and that it holds water, food, and toxic waste. I have also learned that in plants there is one big vacuole and in animals it has multiple small vacuoles.

Before we did this I knew nothing about vacuoles or maybe even nothing about cells. Now I know so much more than I did before  about cells and vacuoles. I can not belive how much more this class has taught me . I have learned way more than I would have at my old school. Thank you Ms. Garcia!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

09/19 ''The cell''


               I learned that inside of a cell it sort of looks like a town or city and some stuff looks like people walking or passing stuff to each other. I also learned that anything living or used to be living is made of cells and that cells and everything is made of atoms even the air.

              I only knew the word cell and how it is inside of me. I didn't know that it is living and only in living or used to be living objects like wood. I also didn't know that everything is made of atoms like the air and how cells are made of atoms.

Friday, September 12, 2014


 1.I learned that a hypothesis always starts with if.
2I. am confused about the 20 questions thing cause it was hard to me.
3.I think you could help by telling us 1 hint each time.

Letter to the school board

      Science classes should not disappear because science teaches us a lot we don't know by our self. Science is also fun to some people, so science should stay forever. Science is also important because when we do projects it usually teaches us stuff we don't know about yet and we learn a lot from science.

     Science is in included in almost every subject that we do. Science helps us develop new products and science is in math, language and P.E. etc. Science is in math because it helps answer almost all the problems because it uses our mind, uses knowledge and science is knowledge.

     Science is in our everyday life. Science helps us answer questions about our surroundings and tells us where to go and when to do stuff. Science helps us understand when to believe somebody. Science helps us know what the weather will be.

      Science is logic of what to do. Science helps us  know what to do and to eat. If we didn't have science then we would probably be sick or dead because there would be no cure for anything. There would be no sweets made ever.

      Some believe that we don't need science. They say that we already know all we need to know about science. We actually do not know all there is to know about science. Not even the best scientist know all about science.

       And that is why we should keep science I have given you so many reasons why to keep science but I want to say one more reason we are using science... to cure diseases  like cancer.


Friday, September 5, 2014


Things I like about Adventure: I like how we go from class to class and how we have ten minute bells. I also like  how we use computers and how we work together as a team. I like that I'm meeting new people and making new friends.